Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Love Sundays

Seriously, does anything beat a Sunday afternoon. Here is a general rundown of my average Sunday:

Wake up around... well OK I still usually get up pretty early (Thanks Jaron and Carmendee).
But unlike other days, I grab the kids and bring them to the bed with us. Jaron wrestles around and makes rash demands like "I want Doodlebops!" or "Chocolate Milk!", while Carmendee usually chills and drinks her bottle or stares at the light and is just generally cute.

After getting up and going to church we all come home and take naps. Oh yeah... it doesn't get much smoother than that.

We usually eat a delicious dinner prepared by Jess and then watch TV, play videogames or read.
And by we I mean Jess and I. Jaron drags out anything and everything he can and makes a mess while Carmendee demands attention. It's a balancing act you know.

Sunday is better than Monday-Friday for obvious reasons, but why is it better than Saturday you ask? Because on Saturday I feel obligated to work.

Do work young man. DO WORK!

I have to do something productive or I feel like the day was a waste. On Sunday, it's good enough to spend time with the family, get a little church in me, relax and recharge to get ready for the coming week. Oh how I love you Sunday.

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