Saturday, May 16, 2009


I wanted to do a post thanking my loyal readership of one, my wife Jessica. If my posts do nothing more than amuse her everyonce in a while it is still worth my while to post. Besides, I really just do this for myself. I really don't care if people read or what they think about my opinions. After all, that is why I love this country. You ARE entitled to your own opinion and it's OK if you disagree.

Writing is more like therapy for me. Some people exercise. Some people eat. Some people are assigned to go to anger management classes. Writing serves as my stress valve as well as an avenue for free thought and recapitulation. I would go as far as to say that if I were a good enough writer I would like to do it for a living. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere good enough to write for a living. Schooling would help I suppose. Reading others works is beneficial too... but in the mean time it will just be a hobby and a pipe dream.

Any medium that serves as a conduit for creativity will always interest me. I loved Legos as a child - I love Illustrator and Photoshop as an adult. This is one of the least focused blog posts I've done in a while. I'm really getting excited to see my brother Shay again. He will be returning home from his mission in Iowa this July. That's all for now.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

White Chocolate: Uncovering the Myths

I got into a little discussion the other day with my neighbors, the Burbidges, pertaining to whether or not White Chocolate is really a chocolate at all. Lyn contests it is not and I contested that it must be. After all, I saw it on the internet once so you KNOW it has to be true.

I know that most of you reading this entry have been dying to know. No fear, I'm on the task. I did my homework (I'm thorough like that) and this is what I came up with.

There is "real" white chocolate, which is sort-of real chocolate in that it comes from the same cacao beans as regular chocolate. It contains just the fat, the cocoa butter, which provides chocolate's unique mouth feel. There is no chocolate liquor, which ends up in the brown stuff we usually think of as chocolate. Most "white chocolate" has little or no real cocoa butter. It can contain any kind of fat. So can brown chocolate, but brown chocolate without cocoa butter can't be called "chocolate" in most of the world.

White Chocolate, the holy grail of unhealthy food... I salute you.

So there you have it folks. We were both right. For the record, I love white chocolate. White chocolate reeses are God's gift to the world. Dark chocolate can just go to H### for all I care. The single nastiest "treat" you can consume is a dark chocolate cherry cordial... oh snap I just threw up in my mouth a little!