Monday, April 28, 2008

Mario Kart Wii = Crack

Hi Ya'll. I picked up Mario Kart Wii today from Costco ($43.99 for brand new games, you can't beat it!) As many of you know I have a little addiction to video games, but there are a few that can eat up my time like nothing else.

It's on like Donkey Kong!

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Mario Kart. It is the equivalent of crack cocaine for me! I get this feeling I'm going to get very addicted. So if you see me walking around all unkemp, smelly and a dozen pounds heavier you'll know why. I just thought I would give you a heads up. Oh, and for anyone out there that has the game that reads this, I issue a challenge to step up and compete. Send me your friend code and we'll battle online. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go smoke someone online!


Jess said...

You're going down sucker!!!

Anonymous said...

Pedro- I freakin miss you :) When I get all practiced up with the Mario Kart, i'll take ya on! I got wicked skills just you wait and see!