Friday, April 25, 2008

Consistency is Key

Hello all! I'm updating my blog twice in the same week, I don't know what's gotten into me. Anyway, enough with the chit chat. The title of my blog really has nothing to do with what I'm about to delve into. You may want to sit down. This is some serious stuff. I want to talk about getting old.

Now I am by no means old. I'm only 26 yrs of age and I'm sure many of you would kill to be that age again. I guess to more accurately describe what I'm talking about let's rephrase it to age progression. Yeah, that's better. Here's my story. I played basketball the other night for the first time in forever and I get home and I'm thinking, "yeah, that wasn't too bad. I'm not that sore and no one had to perform CPR on me." Then day 2 hit and I've realized that I pulled some muscle I never even knew I had. The location is a little embarrassing but what the heck. It feels like it's on the inside of my butt crack! Every time I take a step I kid you not it makes me walk like some dude in a rap video - all swaying side to side and dragging one leg a little.

I think this little story illustrates my point. The digression of my overall physical capacity from 19 years old to 26 years old has been quite dramatic. I used to be the guy running around, grabbing rebounds, harassing people on defense and having the energy to actually jump when I shoot the ball. Now I've been reduced to an out of shape guy who can't play good defense, can't shoot with any sort of consistency (hey there's that word), and overall has no energy to bring to the table. Basically I've become Greg Ostertag! My muscle tone - if you can even still call it that - has steadily made the migration from my arms, chest and shoulders, and set up camp (transforming on the way) on my waist and belly as fat. People try to blame it on marriage, kids, a career and lots of other things, but I blame it on getting older. Sure I could work out and get back into shape, but it would still take twice as long as when I was in my "prime."

Is this genius or what? No really, it does work. Google it.

So does this mean I just give up? Probably not. Sometime hopefully soon I'll get back on track so that I can at least run up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. Maybe when Wii Fit comes out It will be able to get me on the right path to being active. I think Nintendo may be brilliant in disguising an actual workout with a fun interactive game that makes getting into shape not seem boring but entertaining instead. Feel free to share your pathetic stories with me or better yet, a story about your triumphant return to the elite class of FIT.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Okay, that was sooo funny. Who would tell such details! j/k I heard once that running brings everything that once fell back up. You might try that. (Like you need it.) Let me know when the wii fitness comes out. That sounds great.