Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Going Green is Stupid

Yeah, that's right I said it! Let me preface what I am about to say with this. I am all for being conservative in the way we consume natural products and I in no way support anything like strip mining or total deforestation. I think recycling is a good thing for those who want to do it. That is not the point of this post.

What I think IS stupid is when I turn on my TV and "Going Green" is crammed down my throat. CBS even dedicates a whole week to this where all of their shows have a "green" theme... cue the vomit now. I mean seriously, they (the media) make it seem like if we don't all start using 4 squares of toilet paper or less every time we use the crap pot our world is going to somehow roll over and die. Like if you take longer than a 3... sorry, if you'll excuse me a moment. A commercial just came on the TV promoting "Change the World" by HGTV telling us we throw away too much garbage each week (if you could see me right now I have a look of disgust on my face.) Maybe we do, but I don't need Carter to tell me in such a condescending way.

Oh and one more thing, Global Warming is a joke people. Think about what you're saying when you plead your case that it's a real concern. Scientists talk about what happened the last time our planet got warm. Yeah, then it got really cold. It's called the Ice Age, ever heard of it. Oh and guess what... it happened all by itself without our help. Is this sinking in? Am I making any sense here? I hope so, because this logic is simple and historically proven. Listen, our world may be getting warmer, that I acknowledge, but to freak out about it and think that we as humans can change that. I'm pretty sure that's like pissing into the wind and thinking you won't get wet. Mt. St. Helen's eruption a few decades back polluted our environment more in 15 minutes than the city of Seattle has probably done since. It's natures cycle.

Is that plastic I see on your uniform?

So if you want to give up paper, and live in biodegradable homes (which they all are eventually anyways), and take cold showers, and buy only organic food products (another topic for another time), and drive your Prius hybrid then that's fine. If you want to give Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize for his "outstanding work in global warming awareness and saving the environment on the weekend after he gets done inventing things like the internet and the letter J" then go ahead. I don't mind. But please, for the love of all that is good and holy, STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY FOR NOT RECYCLING EVERYTHING I USE AND ENJOYING DRIVING MY GAS GUZZLING TRUCK. After all, nobody likes the government telling them whats best for them, No? Feel free to disagree in the comment box below. If you'll now excuse me, I need to go spray "harmful chemicals" on my back yard for weeds. Thank you that is all.


Jess said...

LOL! You're too funny Jake. By the way I love the picture.

Becca said...

Jeez, it's about time you updated your blog! Anyways great post. I totally agree with you. Sooo funny.

April Leydsman Mason said...

Ok, I'm really still laughing. That was so dang funny. I had a lot of those thoughts as we went grocery shopping on "earth day" and got our grocery put in paper bags because they were 100% recycleable. PLEASE....... who uses paper bags anymore? I must admit I was a little butt hurt about the whole thing because I like those plastic bags to use around the house. UNBELIEVABLE.......

~Jordyn said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you. I made a point to actually google
"Going Green is stupid" because I wanted to see if anyone else out there was as annoyed with the insane movement as I am. Forget how incredibly inconvenient all of the going green movement is... it is also terribly expensive.

I think it's a plot to make money off of fear. people are afraid that if they don't buy this organic food or that organic cleaning product that they will some how come down with a horrible illness and die or their children will die if they use any kind of chemicals.

hmm is it just me ...my mom used chemicals for cleaning and guess what I am still alive and well.
be real people come on.

lol sorry for that little rant.

Anonymous said...

Your correct...er not politically which is good. Anyone who actually passed 8th grade earth science knows the truth here. This is all B.S. to buy votes , kill jobs, ruin all of our American industries. Seems funny China does not mind taking our factories. Wake the hell up people. This is all a LIE! If you want to fight CO2 plant a freakin tree! Don't put your neighbor out of work....oh too late isn't it Obama voter.

Flu-Bird said...

The whole GO GREEN movment is a completly rediculous new age movment being pushed by a bunch of graonla munching tree hugging eco-freak stupidheads

JAKE said...

I'm glad to have sparked some interest with this post. I appreciate everyone's comments. Please keep them coming. I check them regularly.

Anonymous said...

u are all dumbasses!!!!!!!

JAKE said...

Glad to see someone finally opposes our view and is brave enough to comment. I'm not going to bash them. I just want to see hard evidence about global warming. I've got no beef with those wanting to go green, It's fine with me. I just don't want to.

Anonymous said...

You are right about 'going green is stupid'! Remember what Clinton said, "it's all about the money, stupid!" and that applies to 'going green' as well.
I take the same view as you on recycling, trees etc, but what most miss about 'GOREBULL WARMING is this. Old Al is right about one thing, it is man causing it,but not you or I, but then you would have to actually research (instead of parroting phrases like sheeple) to find your answers.
Go to The History Channel and click on their new documentary series "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE". There you will find a doc called 'WEATHER WARFARE'...yes you heard right. Our military has been manipulating weather since the 60's and admits to it!
Educate yourself. You might be surprised what you find?

Anonymous said...

Thank you soo much Jake! It's really discouraging to be a young Republican in America today, but after reading your blogs I have found proof that there is someone out there who still has the able to think and use commonsense. Thank you so much!

Shaft said...

It's a shame to see you post this and have so many agree. Going "Green" is a stupid term that vastly over-simplifies what's really important. Carbon dioxide and methane are powerful greenhouse gases and there's no question that the more we spew out the warmer the planet gets - there no denying that. Fear it or not, human's are causing the most rapid change in the the planet's climate than ever before. Even if for some reason all the top scientists in the world are wrong and we take drastic measures to stop messing the planet up, that cost will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what we'll have to spend just to deal with the mess once it's too late.

So going "Green" isn't about buying stuff and spending money on stupid green products, it's actually making a choice to go with less, buy local, or just go without. This isn't funny stuff - we need to all make drastic changes, so stop resisting it.

Alex said...

This is exactly what I think of everything that all those morons that are out there trying to make money on the whole "Global Warming" thing, but wait, they were wrong so they started calling it climate change. But I thank you for helping a few people see the light.