Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Real Story

I want to speak of something a little more serious tonight. It has occurred to me, or I'm just fed up of hearing and seeing it in the news, but there isn't a person alive that if given the chance wouldn't want to live in America.

I realize this is a pretty bold statement but it's true. Of course "everyone" may be a bit of an exaggeration but not as much as you might think. We are inundated every single day with quotes from foreigners claiming that they hate Americans and what we stand for. Tired of us policing the world. Truth be told, they would trade anyone of us just to have a crappy mortgage payment and a decade old vehicle or two. They would trade to be able to complain about inflated gas prices and being undervalued or underpaid at work. They would trade to complain about our health care system and government welfare. They would trade to live in our country full of racial violence and hate. Trade us to complain about only having a 32" television with crappy cable to watch.

The reality is that we live in the freest country in the known world. We have liberties granted us to live how we may without recourse. We have great wealth of both physical and mental capacities. The potential for wealth being almost limitless to those willing to take a shot at it. America is still the shining beacon to the world despite what those with an agenda would have you believe. The reason for all of the hate from peoples of other countries? Probably because the hate to hear us bitch and moan so much when we really have it so good. They've never experienced our way of life. They are only told what their countries officials want them to be told, much like our own. Free press? Not for most. Watch the news in North Korea or Iran ever day and see how you would feel about America.

In closing I want everyone to think of all of the complaints they have with our country at the moment. Is it welfare, gas prices, a slowed economy? Whatever it is just know that regardless of how bad off you feel that you are, you have it better than most of the world because you are American with American freedoms. Oh, and have a good day. (:

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good point Jake, very good point. I must confess. I find myself complaining about most of the things you listed. Time to change!