Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Summer of Blockbusters

Is it just me or does it seem like this coming summer's movies are going to blow last years crop out of the water (sans "The Dark Knight.") I mean, I'm having a geekgasm thinking of watching all of the movies that seem tailor made for me. Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Harry Potter, Prince of Persia, The Hobbit... the list could go on, but those are just a few off the top of my head. I need to start making some serious cash soon so I can go to the theater to see a few of them. I haven't been to the theater in what seems like forever. It's kinda tough to go when you have two young children and no money though! (-: Oh well, I guess if all else fails I can always wait a few months and Redbox it. Which by the way, bravo to the person that started Redbox. Brilliant, just brilliant.

1 comment:

Jess said...

You're right, without redbox we would never see any movies. Maybe one day :) Love ya babe!