Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Scouting at the Peach Farm

Hi Everybody. I'll get off of my soapbox for this post. Nothing but good clean family fun. That's because it's about service. Not just any service... but church farm service. I took the scouts out to do an orchard assignment for our ward. They need like 1000000 hrs of service for their Eagle awards so it was a great opportunity. We needed to thin the peaches out so that the remaining ones can get big and delicious. Of course if any of you have been around scouts or have been scouts know, they pretty much just had a peach fight. What was funnier was watching them throw the peaches at some girls that were picking beside us. Well, to be fair the girls opened fire first. Both sides were flirting and checking each other out, but when I asked Zach why he hadn't gone over to talk to them he replied "She's throwing peaches at me. Why would I want to do that." It's funny to see kids at that age. It took me back. I was just starting to discover girls and think they were kinda cute. The games we played back then are still the same today. Flirting must be a universal truth that is constant and unchanging. I never thought I'd be old enough to reminisce about "when I was young." So to Jed and Becca, and some of you others out there with older kids I say, good luck and I'll see you when I get there... In 10 years. Enjoy your kids while they are still kinda innocent because soon they will be little copies of you when you were in your teens! Oh, and go see Iron Man while it's still in theaters. You won't be disappointed.

If you don't like this movie please check your pulse

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