Friday, September 26, 2008

The Smells of Homesickness

I had an interesting experience riding my motorcycle to work this morning. It was a crisp, cool, overcast morning. As I cruised down the road, the sweet smells of the damp hay fields filled my nostrils. Smells of morning dew and diesel exhaust from a nearby construction site adding to the blend. The thought of early summer mornings on the farm sprung into my head and for a moment I felt a little homesick for it all.

Few things smell better than a fresh hay cube!

I'm sure it seems funny to my family that I would have these thoughts. After all, as far as they are concerned I'm a converted city boy. Truth be told however, I'm probably not as sold on city living as they may suspect. Sure I like the convenience of it, but I still have solid roots in Minersville; that part will never change. Besides, a part of my heart will always be wherever my family is. That's just how it works.

Proud to be from Minersville

And so for a moment I was pleased to take a stroll down memory lane and remember just how good it felt to be a hardworking farm boy with little care of traffic and billboards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you! You made me have tears come
to my eyes. Even though you are miles away you, Jess, and the kids
are always in our heart and thoughts.