Well, It's about that time again. Time to throw some gasoline on this proverbial fire that is the debate of Global Warming. I know, I've written about this in the past, but I just can't get enough of the idiocy that seems to flow from the mouths of supporters of this politically driven agenda.
Allow me to paint a picture for you. It's an early Sunday evening and I'm enjoying a doomsday show on the Discovery channel. It's basically a top ten countdown of the greatest threats to humanity. The usual suspects are showing up so far - nuclear weapons, giant asteroids, major volcano eruptions, viruses and plagues- you get the picture. We get to the number one threat and I'm thinking, "they've covered all of the ones I could think of, including a few surprises (killer machines anyone?), the number one threat must be pretty menacing. And then it's the big reveal, or should I say this is when the politics and agenda pushing started. Number one is... you guessed it, Global Warming! Yeah that's exactly what I... wha... wait a minute, really? Global Warming? And was that just Al Gore I saw a quick snippet of? Yep, there he is in all his glory. The self-appointed czar of the Global Warming... wait... what? Oh, excuse me, I was just informed that Global Warming is no longer the buzz word for this supposed man-created phenomenon. It's now being referred to as simply "Climate Change." Yep, that's the best they could come up with. I better be politically correct here, I don't want "Big Sister" (Janet Napoletano) to read this blog and accuse me of being a quote "Right Wing Extremist" and "Posing a potentially serious threat to our nation." Nope, I won't do that because I'm a patriotic American that obeys the laws of my country, misappropriated as I believe some of them are.
So here is the host of this show interviewing Al Gore as if he is the one who has personally studied climate change and used his own conjecture and theories to prove it. I guess if you can't be a puppet in the White House why not be a puppet for huge multi-billion dollar organizations like Green Peace or GE or any of the other bureaucratic, pencil pushing entities that would have us living in little grass huts if they had their way. Yes, it's that same GE that owns NBC and who knows what other companies. Funny how they push their agenda to sell "Green" appliances and products through the NBC news propaganda and "Green Week" on all of their major TV shows. And people really think they care about the environment? They don't give a rats ass about it as long as it gets people to buy their ridiculously priced green products. I guess Discovery Channel is sipping... wait guzzling down the coolaid as well. Too bad. I would've hoped that scientific integrity (if there is such a thing) would have prevailed and they would have at least presented both sides of the equation so that people could decide for themselves.
I guess in the end the weapon that brings the most success is fear. Previous and current presidential administrations have used it to push their agenda. from Clinton to Bush to Obama. We've seen it used over and over again by our government anytime they want us to do something or react in a certain way. This goes way beyond Climate Change. People, please do not eat all of the bull$#!! you're being fed by those who do not have your best interest in mind. Let you're voice be heard or nothing will ever change. To quote someones famous words (or lyrics) "Those who don't stand for something will fall for anything."
This message is sponsored by no one and is soley aimed at those who may find the idea that finite man is bringing the earth to it's knees, and consequently our own knees in the process, by emiting carbon gases into the air to be a declaration of stupidity. Thank you, that is all.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
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